yellowfin tuna

Yellowfin Tuna

Alternative Names: Ahi

Monterey Bay Recommendation: Many choices and they are frequently changing. Look up your specific origin with seafoodwatch before you buy.

Uses in Cooking: Can be grilled, broiled, or sauteed. Most commonly eaten seared rare or as sashimi.

Similar Fish: Bigeye Tuna, Albacore Tuna, Wahoo

Description: The meat is deep red when raw and cooks to a very firm and meaty light brown. It has huge flakes and a medium flavor, milder than other tunas. It is best cooked rare with pink in the middle.

Fun Facts: These powerful animals can reach a size of nearly 400 lbs. They are among the fastest fish in the ocean and are voracious eaters. Nothing can be said about this fish that would be more awe inspiring than seeing one in person.